Research organizations question FDA draft guidance on IRBs

In November 2012, the FDA published a draft guidance, entitled “IRB Responsibilities for Reviewing the Qualifications of Investigators, Adequacy of Research Sites and the Determination of Whether an IND/IDE is Needed,” which outlines recommendations for the...

Communication between entities is a must in IRB transfer

According to an article on, there is a dire need for strong, clear communication between entities when transferring IRB responsibilities. The article, entitled “Sponsor – CRO communication critical to IRB transfer; FDA,”  states that all...

Late Payments Stalling Clinical Trials

Check out what our friend and colleague Christine Pierre had to say in this February 21, 2012 article by Ann Neuer of  Christine gave her thoughts on the current budget woes that exist within the clinical trial process.  As she shares, budgets are...

How do CRA’s Spend Their Time?

As reported in Outsourcing Pharma, a new study conducted by the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development shows that CRAs (clinical research associates)spend less than half their time doing on-site monitoring tasks. This report included close to 4,000 CRAs from...